HP Photosmart Digital Camera - SDIO 1.3MP

  • HP iPAQ hw6500 series 01:58

    HP iPAQ hw6500 series

    SORRY FOR THE VIDEO QUALITY!!! • GSM/GPRS/EDGE technologies provide broad high-speed connectivity while you are on the go. • EDGE (Enhanced Data for Global E...

  • The "X-Window" of Digital Camera,ViewPlayer 01:01

    The "X-Window" of Digital Camera,ViewPlayer

    X-Window gives your digital camera, the Xtra ability to take photographs from different positions that would be otherwise impossibe, it Xtends the use of you...

  • Teste de Web Cam Notebook HP DV2500 32:36

    Teste de Web Cam Notebook HP DV2500

    Testando Web cam do notebook. não é pra comentar nem votar, nem acesar foi so um teste.